John Minturn-1846

Click on the audio button below for a synopsis of Undiminished Violence:

When ’46 arrived, the quietude of the previous year disturbed the shore inhabitants causing them to turn a weather eye for the next nor’easter.

The storm in all its fury arrived on Saturday, February 14th pounding the East Coast from the Carolinas to Maine. But special punishment was reserved for New Jersey.

Nine vessels were thrown upon the shore and scores of deaths were recorded.

The “Minturn Storm” not only claimed the brig John Minturn but eight other vessels: The Register, Pioneer, Mary Ellen, Arkansas, Antares, New Jersey, Alabama and Lotty.

Undiminished Violence details the days leading up to the storm as well as the destruction it caused along the New Jersey coast.

The book contains numerous images of maps, documents and images, a sampling which appears below.

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In November 2021, I was honored to present Undiminished Violence before the members of the National Maritime Historical Association.

Undiminished Violence is available at several retailers

And through  Amazon.